Monday, July 14, 2008

i am a flower toucher

I touch flowers, stroke them and feel them now, mostly when nobody is looking, because it reminds me of working outside in them all day and being in a beat generation class and how peaceful feelings were welling up around me in a soft tide.  

Things are different, now, busy all the time.  I probably need to quit the bakery job but I'm going to try and stick it out for a little while longer.  The new job is confusing and different on many levels.  My new class - "Pre-Code Cinema" - is going to be so much fun but at the same time the professor is a hard-ass: one five-page paper per week and we're not allowed to miss one class without hurting our grades. 
There are too many boys with beards in the class.  Yet we are in it together.  
I'm going to enjoy watching a dirty early-'30s film every day for five weeks.  Or am I.  If I am sporting finger-waves and dark lipstick next time you see me, you will know.  Or will you?  

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