I wrote on my first cake today!
"Good Luck Amy, We'll Miss You!"
Only artful in technicolor frosting.
The job is just wicked embarrassing but it's a job
it's a job it's a job it's a job
The work is not terribly hard
It's the first food place I've worked at where I do not find the product in any way appealing
(do not buy grocery chain store baked goods)
(seriously don't buy or consume them)
The people are nice, the cake girls are cute cute
the old ladies are bossy and kind
the men are quiet
everything is distressingly filthy
i write poorly because the job makes me tired
being tired without getting fucked up feels good
i have not had to deal with anyone sharing horrible
opinions or knowledge
a boss i had once used to mention to me her yeast infection
and how she didn't like working next to one girl because
"black people just have that really strong smell, you know?" what
my last bosses were way racist
but in that way where they prefaced every racist comment with "I'm not
or anything"
Edit: You can eat the cookies, the cookies are probably safe and delicious.
Another Edit: They are selling the cookies in wrapped in FRISBEES-as-plates this week! What manner of genius is this?! I'll bet the cookies make pretty good frisbees too! Frisbesasplates would be an excellent name for a fantasy character! Perhaps a wise old tree spirit!